Feedback on our work

My psychology sessions have been very helpful. I had been struggling with anxiety and self harm and having these sessions have me helpful ways to reason with my thoughts and overcome social anxiety as well as since there is no way to stop anxiety, I was given useful techniques to deal with these issues as well.
Teenage patient
"Thank you for helping me... Now I feel like I can go to the dentist - whereas before I felt like I couldn't even walk past it without feeling terrified. I have an orthodontist appointment in 2 weeks to see if I need braces and surprisingly I am excited for it!"
Patient Age 13

"I have used your advice (for the children) over the last few days and it really is working well... I would like to say a huge thank you as it has helped me in such a positive way."
Parent of 5 &Â 7 yr olds

I really feel the work you have done with my daughter has really helped her to navigate situations without becoming totally overwhelmed.
Parent of 16 yr old

We have put a few of the suggested strategies into place and I am very pleased to be able to report that our student is finishing the school in a significantly more positive place than he was in 3 months ago.
SENDCo feedback

After the session with Helen, I came away feeling I could put the situation into more perspective, which I was really struggling with. Her assistance with the school was really appreciated and I have no doubt helped our situation.
Parent feedback

As a parent I learnt a lot by the visual way that you offer teaching and understanding of different situations especially adrenaline. My son has taken a lot on board and has been given the tools he needs to regain control of his life.
Parent of teenager

Feedback on our self-harm video
"This thoughtful and accessible film offers young people down-to-earth and compassionate advice for when they feel like self-harming. It is memorable, psychologically sound, and meets a real need for resources like this. So helpful that it's here at last!"
Dr Lydia Vella, Clinical Psychologist, Children's Services, Oxfordshire County Council.

Although we only had a handful of sessions on this occasion before running out of steam, a heartfelt thank you from us. We really do appreciate all your input and the strategies you’ve helped us put in place. The team at a Confident Start are a pleasure to deal with and certainly fill us with confidence in your ability to assist.
I am quite sure we’ll be back after the break.
Parent of 10 yr old

I write with reference to the Kayonesse GP study day. Feedback specific to your presentation, 'Self-harm in Young People' included:
'Informative speaker'
'Constructive advice for helping self-harming young people in 10 minutes'
'Excellent. Really useful'
'Brilliant, could have listened all day. Very informative and interesting'
The GPs very much appreciated your presentation, thank you.